

Schechem supports education and development in rural Senegal. Conception Lopez, the founder, fell in love with Senegal. She saw the difficulties of accessing education in this country.

She therefore created the Shechem association, whose purpose is to support development and education in French-speaking Africa.

The charity’s first school opened in 2017, in the village of La Somone in Senegal. In 2020, 70 children from the age of two and up, some with disabilities, enrolled there. Thanks to Schechem and the support of local teachers, they learn to read, write, count, etc. They also acquire the basics of the French language, a skill that is necessary for continuing their education.

The 1% For Education fund is committed to working alongside Schechem to provide access to education for children in Somone. Firstly, by enabling the charity to finish construction of the current school, allowing children to complete their primary school education.

In June 2021, 9 Maped volunteer employees used their time off to help build the new classrooms and run workshops with the children. It was a very rewarding, unique experience, giving them a real awareness of the country’s problems. In March 2022, five new employees left to help complete construction of the school.


Shechem currently educates children from pre-school (2-6 years old) and primary school in 2 different buildings. Their aim is to create four additional classrooms and to support children up to the end of primary school (age 11.)


Every child should have the right to education. Thanks to Shechem, many children can now go to school in good conditions (classes that are not overcrowded and equipped with the right school materials.)


The children enjoy fun activities, sports classes, etc.

Conception Lopez présidente de l'association Shechem

Thanks to the 1% For Education Fund, the association can now provide a complete preschool and elementary cycle with its education and development function secure.

Conception Lopez - President of Shechem


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